Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane Preparedness

 It’s official, tomorrow marks the first day of the 2018 hurricane season. If you live in an area prone to hurricanes, there’s a good chance you’re already well on your way to finishing your hurricane preparedness checklist. If not, there is still time to get everything in order so if the worst does happen, you’ll…

April Partner Letter

April Partner Letter

Do You Have a Plan As tornado season gears up it’s time to talk about your disaster plan. What happens if you lose power for days, your house floods, or worse yet, it is destroyed by a tornado? What do you have planned in case of an emergency? As the saying goes, failing to prepare is…

Do You Have a Plan?

Do You Have a Plan?

As tornado season gears up again, it’s time to talk about your disaster plan. What happens if you lose power for days, your house floods, or worse yet, it is destroyed by a tornado? What do you have planned in case of an emergency? As the saying goes, failing to prepare is preparing to fail. Take…

Feb/March Partner Letter

Feb/March Partner Letter

February/March Partner We have spent the last four months serving alongside a Southern Baptist church, which some might seem odd for full gospel Bible School graduates to do.  I mean,  we don’t  really believe the same way about everything in the Bible, do we? Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you…

The Power of Hope

The Power of Hope

Hope can be a fickle condition. It comes as goes depending on how we feel. It seems to follow the lead of our emotional movements, showing up most prominent during moments of optimism. Hope is a very strong driving force that has been attributed to many people’s ability to overcome major obtacles in their lives.

September Partner Letter

September Partner Letter

Hurricane Harvey Relief Update We are working in Beaumont, Texas with Amelia Baptist Church, doing flood relief work after Hurricane Harvey. We are very excited to be partnered with a pastor who has a real heart to make an impact in his community and the surrounding areas of Port Arthur and Orange. Scott worked with…

Life With Christ

Life With Christ

“Life with Christ is a wonderful adventure” – Pope John Paul II. I think if there was a quote that defined our ministry, family, marriage, and our lives, this would be it. I never sat around as a child and dreamed of a normal American life. I dreamed of a life full of adventure and…

August Partner Letter

August Partner Letter

Family Update! We took our first extended trip as a family to Eureka Springs to help a church with aremodel project. Both kids did a great job and had fun! Emily spent the night before she turned four months old in a hotel room just like Madeline did! She is becoming quite the traveler. Academy…

July Partner Letter

July Partner Letter

Family Updates Life in the Simons family is busy and exciting! Madeline has started to walk and spends her days running around the house like a big girl. Emily has recently started to roll from her stomach to her back. She loves to smile and have random giggle fits. Her big sister is her favorite…